Bronllys Community Council Website

Things to Do in the Local Area
Hotels, Restaurants and Pubs
The Honey Cafe, Bronllys (Eat and Drink) - 01874711904
The Griffin Inn Llyswen (Eat, Drink and Sleep) - www.griffininnllyswen.co.uk
The Wye Knot Stop, Cafe and B&B - www.wyeknotstop.co.uk
The Bridge End Inn (Eat and Drink) - 01874754225
Places to Visit
Bronllys Castle - www.cadw.wales.gov.uk
Riverside International - Leisure Centre - www.riversideinternational.co.uk
Talgarth Mill - www.talgarthmill.com
Old Railway Line Garden Centre - www.oldrailwaylinegc.co.uk
Local Events
Hay Festival - www.hayfestival.co.uk
Royal Welsh Show, Builth Wells - www.rwas.co.uk
The Winter Fair, Builth Wells - www.rwas.co.uk
The Spring Festival, Builth Wells - www.rwas.co.uk
Talgarth Festival - www.talgarthfestival.org
Brecon Jazz - www.breconjazz.com